
Sunday, September 30, 2012

How to Change your Skin in Minecraft Pocket Edition on iOS

How to Change your Minecraft Skin on iOS
Ever wonder how people change their skins in Minecraft Pocket edition? In a post earlier I talked about how you could change your skin on iOS. However, I did not go in depth explaining how to do it. I am positive some of you already know how to do this. For the some who do not know this, I am certain this post will be a time saver. Now here is how:

Step 1: Get iExplorer for your computer.
This software allows you to view the contents of your iOS and to change certain things about this. We need this to change the skin of your character. Download this software here.

Step 2: Plug your iPod into your computer.
This one is self explanatory. Plug your iPod into your computer with the usb cable you have. Easy.

Step 3: Download a skin and rename it "char.png".
Again, self explanatory. Download any skin from your favorite websites (or google them) and rename the file to char.png - you cannot name it anything else. If you do name it anything else, it will not work.
Example of a Link skin.

Step 4: Go to iExplorer.

Open it up. Once you have it open, go to the folder called com.mojang. From there, go to the folder named - this is the folder you want. This should be fairly easy to navigate to.

Step 5: Delete the char.png file in that folder.
Replace it with your downloaded file (which should be named char.png).

Step 6: Success!
Unplug and close everything. Open up minecraft pocket edition and you should have your skin successfully changed.

Hopefully that helped to clear some confusion for this neat trick. You can do this trick multiple times with different skins. Stay tuned for more minecraft pocket edition guides and tips.


  1. This doesn't work on iOS 6. Apple somehow blocked the ability to change app files with iExplorer. Luckily, iExplorer is trying to work around this. This used to work though, and I loved doing so. I had my own custom skins, so I hope that soon, iExplorer updates and once again lets us change our skins!!!

  2. i explorer wouldnt delete the original char.png file and i really want an ironman skin so please help!

  3. i cant figure out how to

  4. what year was this made

  5. I tried doing it with ifunbox, but it just deletes the new char.png and steve is still there! I even tried deleting steve and then putting in the new skin, but that doesn't work either!
